A round-up of customer reviews of Lamna, including feedback from clients in South Africa and the United Kingdom, and details of Lamna’s Google ratings.
Fraud Alert
Please be aware of fraud using Lamna's name.
Biznews features Lamna on the rise of asset-based financiers in South Africa
Lamna was recently featured on www.biznews.com. Find out why asset-based financing is on the increase in South Africa.
Cash-strapped use valuables for short-term loans
Asset-rich, cash-strapped South Africans are increasingly leveraging the value of their personal assets to gain access to short-term loans
A client speaks to Lamna about the benefit of loans against assets
Find out why one of our clients keeps returning to Lamna to address his successful business's cash flow issues quickly and conveniently.
Pawn for the rich who need money
Even the rich have issues with cash flow. Find out how discreet money lenders like Lamna help see the well-off through their trying financial times.
Banking on a niche is all in a day’s work
CEO of Lamna Money Lenders, Charles Meyerowitz outlines his career path, and his passion for innovation in finance.
Business Q&A With Charles Meyerowitz
Lamna CEO Charles Meyerowitz sits down for a Q&A.