Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions?

Simply fill in the form on our site or call us at 086-111-2866, give us as much information as possible about the asset you want to use as collateral and we’ll make an initial indication of what loan we can offer you. If you’re happy to proceed, we’ll ask you to meet us so we can appraise the asset and work out the details of a custom loan agreement. Once we’ve concluded a contract, we’ll advance your money straight away.

  • Artwork and antiques
  • Jewellery, gold and diamonds
  • Luxury watches
  • Cars
  • Other: If you have valuables that don’t fit in the categories above, you may still qualify for a loan – give us as much information as you can and we’ll do our best to assist.

We can’t accept any assets that haven’t been fully paid off or that you don’t personally own.

In addition, we don’t accept:

  • Real estate or property deeds
  • Financial instruments like stocks and bonds
  • Electronic devices and equipment
  • Firearms.

The amount you can borrow depends on the nature and value of the assets you supply as collateral. Expert appraisers will assess the assets and their market value, and we’ll offer you a loan value based on their findings.

In the first five months of its operation alone, Lamna lent clients a total of R5 million.

Expert, independent appraisers will evaluate your assets to determine their market value. This will depend on the nature of the asset as well as factors like its age and current condition. We also encourage our clients to have their assets appraised independently.

The vast majority of our clients have their money within 12 to 24 hours of making a loan application.

Lamna keeps all clients’ assets in a secure off-site location that’s under constant surveillance, and takes all reasonable steps to ensure their safety. We do, however, recommend that clients insure their valuables as an extra precaution. This will cover you when you’re en route to the Lamna offices, as well as providing extra protection when your assets are in our care.

All assets are insured. We take all possible steps to ensure the safety of the assets in our care. At your request, we can provide a certificate to state that your valuables are stored in secure premises under constant surveillance, for insurance purposes.

Interest is calculated and has to be paid monthly. It’s determined in line with National Credit Guidelines and as specified in the contract we negotiate.

Yes. Our interest rates are higher than those you’ll be charged at a bank. However, we supply loans much faster than banks, without all the red tape. Our process is also completely discreet.

Once the loan and interest is repaid and the payment has reflected in our account for a period of three days, your valuables will be available for you to collect. Our clients repay their loans via EFT.

Your loan term can be extended provided your payments are up to date. We’ll need you to complete some additional documentation, however.

If you want your valuables back early, contact our office and we’ll be happy to discuss the situation further. Generally an early release of assets can be arranged.


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